
Our certification process incorporates multiple safeguards to maintain project compliance with EoL standard rules throughout their project lifecycle. EoL encourages feedback and complaints from all stakeholders.

For more details on our grievance procedure, please refer below, and to learn how to submit a complaint, please submit your comments directly to our Email ([email protected])

Stakeholders, including farmers, workers, consumers, and NGOs, can submit complaints. EoL promptly registers and updates complainants on next steps.

The EoL standard, under the EBDA, assesses complaints initially to check their relevance to the standard's scope or member conduct. If unrelated, it guides complainants to alternative channels for resolution.

The EoL standard informs complainant and accused members, outlining the Complaints and Appeals Procedure, investigation timeline, and contact person. The investigation timeline is determined by specific factors and communicated clearly to all involved.

An investigation, carried out by the EBDA, an independent third party, or a joint team, assesses the complaint's validity, potentially involving data collection, site visits, and interviews.

Following the investigation, a decision is reached, which may entail finding the EoL standard violations or suggesting corrective actions. The decision and its rationale are communicated to all parties involved in the complaint.

If dissatisfied with the decision, either the complainant or implicated member(s) may appeal to an independent body, outlining grounds and evidence. EoL/EBDA may have an internal appeals panel of impartial experts; if the initial decision stands, a further review by an external, independent third-party appeals body can be requested, with expected timelines communicated by the EoL standard.

If corrective actions are advised, members must implement them within a set timeframe, with potential follow-up. The EoL standard communicates the outcome, lessons learned, and implementation improvements to all stakeholders.

Title & Description Date of Submission
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If non-compliance with the EoL standard rules persists without timely resolution, the project loses its EoL certification and the ability to issue or trade emission reductions (carbon units) is revoked.

Title & Description Date of Deregistration
No deregistration has occurred yet.